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Things bringing into mind a sorcerer

 I am a 52 years old woman and from Finland in northern Europe. I few years ago I lived in Savonlinna in eastern Finland with my two dogs. It is a countryside town with a famous arts happening in the summer time., so maybe it is not surprising, ad I am interested in arts and nature, that after a few years my new apartment's views were quite stunning. But I was more surprised of my home itself being classified somewhat like Gandalf's home (Gandalf in the books of Tolkien). Years have lassed, my two companion dogs died some years ago and I have lived in the capital district of Finland, in Espoo. And as I now glace at the back covers of my books, it does seem that the views from my window in Savonlinna were quite stunning, but on the other hand the subjects of my books are related to that. 

I have written lots of advices also about making home nice, here is one from today: 

"   3rd of April 2024   OBS!   If one wants especially stunning views, it is important that one would like the views oneself, be fond of such charm. And that the place and views would be like one's own inclination in questions oh how to live and wisdom of life. One should live according to one's wusdom of lufe and like fits the world, in a place where one's interests, skilks, values, way of life and likings support the traditional ways of living there, wisdom beneficial there and for the world. And so the things in one's home kibd of rhyme together and produce an unseen strenght that is wise in the world. As well known, arts support observing the beauty of nature, so liking arts is likely to make nature views out from the window more impressive. If there is something lacking in the atmosphere or social position, eating oneself warm with good food makes as a habit the place somehow more impressive. Sports as an interest, for example recreation outdoors with the weathers and nature, may make the views out from the windows more imprdssive and kind of strongly experienced, yet enjoyable. 

A hobby or a well running liked work project mistaken for just some artifact bought without any interest in such, may look surprisingly intensive and well carrying. 


From from the text "Making indoors nice" 


The above picture is the back cover of the Finnish version of my book "Living with the Four Seasons". 

Here is another book of mine with a view from the window.

Many of my books are available for free at . Especially much might matter the miracle healing advices and wishing well in the world, and making the advices in skills for happy life available on my internet pages.


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