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Spring, from my book about the Four Seasons



Spring winter

When in the end of February and in the beginning of March the temperatures begin to warm and soon snow melts, it is still the winter but there are signs of spring. It is said that it is spring winter or the spring side of winter.
It is fun to follow how the snow melts. The landscape changes from day to day and the snow crystals  change their shape, slopes on the snow melt from their southern side, the landscape is different from one place to another and there are many kinds of snow and soon there will be ground in sight where the snow has been ploughed away. During the night it is often freezing and the snow cover frozes again so that it's surface is solid and one can before midday ski upon it and lighter children can walk upon it without falling. The birds sing of spring, the titityy of tits fills the air and is a sure sign of spring.
Spring winter is already a part of spring and at the same time it is the late winter. The power of winter has been broken, the air gets warmer and slowly the nature awakens to life. There are promises of spring.
(When the snow has partly melted, also the ice cover upon the lakes and the sea melts, so if you want to ski on the ice cover, you have to pay attention to where ice has melted too much so that one cannot go there. Where the water flows like where streams and ditches meet the shore (10? - 50m) you cannot go even in the winter time and former holes in the ice cover and frozen winter time ship routes melt in different ways from the other places, likewise shores, sunny places and near stones, etc.)

When the sun shones and the temperatures arises above zero, there begins to be some bacteria upon the snow and in the ground in sight. When you with your bare hands touch the melting snow or the ground and old grasses, you feel the coming of the spring better, get a more joyful mood and are somehow in tune with the nature and the seasons.
In the spring time when there is more and more light, it is a good time to go outdoors and also to read poems.

Singing spring
The birds think that humans too should start singing of the spring already when snow first begins to melt (Please see the beginning of the part about May!): hum or sing some song that you know well but do it fascinatedly about the spring, so you are more in harmony with the charm of the season, a part of it's flow.

When after the freezing weathers in February come again warmer weather and sun shines again and begins to melt the snow, most feel better and somehow come more alive, and so they need food less than the heavy food in February: just ordinary meal or something quite light and lots of fruits and vegetables. Spring brings a more lively feeling and it is good to adjust what one eats to cultivating that kind of feelings, aliveness.

Spring cleaning
When you get a spark of enthusiasm of spring, you can among other things tidy and make things nice at hiome so that you are along with the season with a happy mood. But in April one is usually forceless, so one has energy and good mood with which to leave things joyful mostly in March and May. It is customary to wash windows in the spring when sunshine shows the dirt in them.
In February at the spring side of winter it is good time to go through places that one hasn't had the energy to tidy for months. In March sunny days it is nice to clean in ordinary ways and to make places nice for spring. In April one does not tidy so much but one ought to live quite speedily and soften home in some ways by making places nice if the landscape behind the window is strenously grey. In May one already makes home nice for summer.

For most not even a diet but instead lighter foods in the spring time so that one would get a little bit thinner effortlessly, would be the best.

"Getting thinner quick (5 min), easily and comfortably

"If your emotional ideal weight is thinner than your present weight. And if the season is such that one uses quite lot of food. But you don't need even all present fat to bear the weather. Then you copuld get somewhat thinner quick, for example in five minutes and then would your diet already be over for the time being. And in so doing you would feel somewhat like one who has eaten oily food or bakery.

So: You can pay attention to your emotional iudeal weight, which needs to be honestly estimated, you real goal. And so you can then take such weight as your identity, that means somewhat smaller body and a body form & size according to your character. The fat that is over this, especially ones feeling cumbersome or not so good, you can let to melt away, and to come near the stomach as an effect like buttery food, which replace some of the fat of some near future meal but not it's nutritients.
So you still need healthy meals.

 I do notr know how well one gets thinner with this but it appears that at least somewhat if the smaller body size is left as one's identity, a more satisfied picture of oneself. Somehow I would suppose that in teh human nature there is some natural weight control mechanism like this.""

1. emotional ideal weight, 2. extra fat, 3. melt away, and 4. (two last notes) come as bakery like feeling to near the stomach
 If you have as a oal and reference point a body form and size of which your character, values and sensations of your body say that your body is good that way, let'schoose this one, it is good to live this way, then it is likely that your body has a tendecy to transform to that direction and once it has reached that form to stay in it, like feels good abd right, feels to be the natural best choice.

It is said that the coldest freezing winter weathers end and more spring like weathers begin latest on Women's day 8th of March, which is the reason for celebrating it just then.

The fact that the spring feels for many at least art of teh time exhausting or hard, is propably connected with them estimating their forces in the ordinary way but the things exhaust a few times tougher, which I guess is partly a consequence of people feeling fuller with less food and so they have in practice less energy in use when needed, and many are on a diet so they have less energy for wisdom of life than usually. Partly spring has lot to look at, one needs to be physically more fit to wander and move a lot, and on the other hand the fascination of spring is of different type than that of winter that one is used to. Warmth makes one more sloppily moving and so one endures less than usually. On the other hand the temperature differencies are bigger than usually and demand more variation in clothes, food and heat regulation. Green plants on window and music are important, one gets tired if one doesn't have them and maybe everything breaks. It isn't good to wait for the future all spring, insteda spring could be an adventure with new things to find, a time of speedy life.   

Spring is a season that does not usually go well by copying from thise who were born spring time, propably beacuse they are used to defending spring that it is quite warm already and they also tend to feel the spring sensitively already too early. Instead spring goes usually well if one is still somewhat in one's winter habits: then clothes tend to be warm and one lives one's life and every now and then one awakens to notice that Oh, spring is already this far!
It is my impression that people usually can live nicely the season following their birthday's season or at least it's beginning. Could one learn one's birthday's season similarly on one's own based on the previous season's skills?

Spring is a season that many like. The increasing light and warmth bring summer all the time nearer. If you are used to the winter, spring is quite warm if you don't too quickly change to too thin clothes outdoors. The increasing possibilities for spending time outdoors and for being active it is nice for a change to use almost thoroughly. But one must take care to avoid catching a cold since it is still quite cold outdoors, not yet the summer. The spring brings a relief from the winter's sitting indoors and it's lack of things to do. All the time the weathers get better , even though the weather is varied and sometimes there are colder days as if the nature were giving us time to think do we want the winter or the summer.

"5.3.2019  In the spring the varying weathers bring a challenge to heat regulation and to estimating the amount of food needed: when the sun shines it is clearly warm and when it then goes a cloud in front of the sun or one walks to shadow it is clearly cooler, the difference feels like some 15 degrees difference in temperature. And then when wethers happen to be cooler, it is at least 10 degrees cooler and that is already a difference of 25 degrees on what one is adjusted to, and that is why it is difficult to take into account and one needs heavier food, warmer clothes than on cloudy weather and also in how much one moves and how and in heat regulation take into account what the weather is like.
But in the spring it would be good to eat somehow livelily and getting nutritients, not heavily like in freezing cold winter weathers, except somewhat heavier on cold weathers. So spring is a good time to search for a suitable diet and it's variations according to weathers around the basic food toward juices or heavier. In the spring one weather is usually for a short time only when one already needs to take it into account as if it were the whole day's weather, for example when there goes a cloud in front of the sun and it is cooler again, a sense of crispness in the air and at the same time fresh."
Living the spring's weathers goes usually well if one experiences each moment's weather strongly, starts to live according to it, and not the whole day the same way as if the weather would stay the same.

In the spring winter when it is a lot warmer than a little while ago and when there is still snow almost everywhere, many feel as if they had just eaten full meal, even though they haven't eaten anything for a while. Then one can feel cumbersome or somehow not well if one out of habit goes to eat at such a moment.

The colours of the seasons in indoors and clothes teach a tuning to a pleasant way of life for that season, and that is largely a question of how one spends time outdoors and how one admires the nature, and gets energy from that instead of the fabrics itself bringing energy. It is the healthy ways of living that bring energy. That is why it isn't good to use overly much the colours of the season if they aren't one's favourites that strongly.

One sometimes gets the impression that some foreigners try to follow the atmosphere of day's weather as if it were an advice about how to be social, but it is not such advice but instead an idea of what is a good way to spend time outdoors at such a weather and season: how long outdoors is a good choice, what is a good way of moving like, speed, how wide sphere of life, can one stand at one place without getting cold or sit without getting a piss inflammation and without catching cold, which way one returns indoors (for example in the spring winter one must put wet shoes to dry (clean dry rolled newspaper inside each shoe) and change to dry and ordinary indoor life usually begins after one has gotten somewhat more warm) and a good spirit in the way of living suited to the weathers and the season and the highlights of being outdoors in such a weather and season in what comes to weather, nature and things to do. To how one is social affects how wide social space one has and that is a factor that affects heat regulation a lot, and so it varies according to the season, and also whether one can stand still talking and do things together outdoors.

 I did not find songs about spring that would teach the basic level of skills of living the spring and pleasant life especially in town, so I try to compose (now spring 2019, until trees get their leaves - Oups, it fitted better good ways of living the spring to compose them only until grass was green at some places) some pieces of tunes to help learning the skills of spring. Songs fitting the spring like Karjalan kunnailla ("On Carelian hills"), seem to suppose lots of skills of living the seasons and a nature environment. If you copy my notes, please keep their headers, since the notes are all of different subjects and short.
(About learning to read music notations and to play piano and keyboard, I have written at )
Early spring weather of water and watery snow as large puddles on the ground: winter's snow cover over the land, still winter, but strongly signs of spring: the spring is already here!
If you do not have the energy to bear wet shoes, try rubber boots with woolen socks in them. There are also some rubber shelter for shoes but I do not know about them. Running shoes work quite ok. There are also winter rubber boots but are those water tight? There are also boots made for this kind of weather but do those shelter from water either? You dry shoes either by putting a dry clean rolled newspaper inside each and changing it to dry, or then if the shoes can bear it, on a heating battery of the room (good for running shoes).Do not dry on a heater wool (shrinks) or leather ( goes rigid).

 (In the latter part of the tune sturdiness is connected with keeping feet warm if shoes get somewhat wet, it is not connected with ways of living the spring.)

On a sunny spring weather one gets a better grasp of the fascination of spring if one sings spring (See the advice in this text in the beginning of it's May part, it is quite nice!): sing for example My bonnie is over the ocean, in a way that emphasizes the fascination of spring's atmosphere, charmed by spring's atmosphere, in a free way of expression (but it maybe isn't good for all to always singthe same song). One can so learn about composing music too.

When afetrwards the sky is covered by clouds, one thinks something like there has come clouds in front of the sun and it seems that it is getting colder (from one to a few degrees colder compared with what it was in shadow when the sun shone), in March usually under zero weathers: curl to create warmth and take a kind of sporty attitude.
At least when there is still snow, the colder weathers are nice to think asa superposition of winter's snow cover ("This is a quite northern land.") and signs of spring: the spring is strongly present,the spring is already here!

I tried to make a piece of tune to ease the life indoors on those who maybe have been on an ordinary diet (or whose beautiful perspentives tend to break in the spring):

It is my impression that all do not have the energy and good enough mood to read these advices in April even if they would dearly need some advices for living the April. That is why the April part of these advices and preferably the whole spring ought to be read in March when one still has enough enrgy for such.

 The day when day and night are equally long, around 20th March, the halfway between winter and summer in the amount of light, does not seem to have any special meaning. Weather varies in longer intervals and what matters in spring winter is the sunny time of some weeks when snow melts and it matters to tune to that.

In April 2020 sun shine after rains of snow

Most like a lot the sunny days in March, and there are lots of them in march. The snow in sunshine is very bright and often one needs ti shut one's eyes to narrow slits to prevent the mass of light from harming them. So it is especially on the ice of a lake or on the ice of the sea. But it is warm and the snow melts, one can clearly see how the spring is advancing.

When the snow has partly melted and the ground partly dried there is dust in the air.
In the Swedish culture it is the idea to only follow advices, but living in Finland demands in addition one's own ability to make perceptions about everyday things and figuring out common sense answers to staying warm and to many other ordinary questions of daily life. Instructions are for a Finn just a starting point and common sense gives the eventual answers to questions of daily life. So you can on your own try for example figure out how to survive the dust: (Close your eyes neraly shut to avoid dust entering them when a small dust cloud hits you. And turn your head away from the wind when wind momentarily raises dust.)

Melting water forms puddles on the still snowy and icy roads. From those one sees clearly how the spring is coming.
(In these three pictures from the middle of March there is still left some of the atmosphere of February.)

From the winter ploughed streets' southern hill sides melts snow first.

In the autumn and especially under Christmas people curl indoors, make home and life nice for winter time. In the spring the direction is increasingly outwards, to the increasing possibilities for life, but one does not need to take that in a raw way, without skills, instead one can pick what makes life nice: March's sunshine, warmth, birds, the green parts of pines, things to do that go nicely, the direction toward better. Especially in April one needs to pick comfortable sides of things and pay attention to the way one approaches things: especially in speedy things outdoors one can go along fully, but if the grey lifeless landscape depresses one needs to take it with just a light emphazis, searching for signs of spring, for young green leaves arising from the middle of tall grassas, birds' spring concert and their way to live also April with enthusiasm, possibilities for being outdoors and nice things to do indoors.

In the spring winter warmth, sunshine, melting snow and the chance to wander long routes just like that are nice.
Melting piles of snow are not tuned to to sense the atmosphere like in the winter time, baceuse they are formless and slightly more dirty and bring tiredness. Instead tune to the atmosh´phere of spring, of the liveliness brought by the melting places in the snow, the feeling of wide space in the weather and in the snowy landcsape brought by the pleasantness of the time outdoors and the liveliness of sunshine, bird songs and melting snows, the promises of spring of coming better weathers for spending time outdoors, of spring advancing ( and green leaves, first flowers, bees etc and young birds coming nearer).

A melody from spring 2020

In the spirng if one is foggy or as if forced or feels like "Iik ääk mom I do not have the strenght for this" even though one isn't a child anymore, that is a sign that you are too much on your winter habits and have body heat in the winter way, so you should get some cool air, for example by opening the window, or by lifting your hat upwards and opening your coat somewhat, or changing to cooler clothes, so you can change your feelings to better and get to be a part f life again and as cooler you can continue to speedy springtime life instead of the winter time quite slow walking and warm clothes and the bad habit of sitting with a teacup in hand.

In the spring winter's rain of half-melted snow there is something that makes one feel as if getting drunk from it: the spring is already here!

Even though raining snow is more beautiful, it is also nice after a long time hear the sound of rain. There is something bringing a relief in that sound, like always, and the spring advances quicker when water melts some of the snow and later on the spring it melts the frozen ground to make road for green plants.

Nervousness in the spring winter or spring is a result of thinking "hey spring is already here", but thinking it too warmly like summer with green grass, leaves on trees, warmth and birdsong etc, but there isn't anything like that yet, nothing to lean on, no greenery, no summer. Part of the time it is still under zero Celcius. What you should lean on is spring time's liveliness, feeling of spring in the air, waking to life and speediness, increasing possibilities for spending time outdoors and going to places and the signs of spring, what there already is - especially in the nature, for example in the bushes roadside. Temperatures vary, so one needs to change one's clothing a lot too, since sometimes the sun shines and there is no wind, it is warm for one who is accustomed to the winter, but in cooler clothes one soon feels the cold and becomes nervous: don't I know how to keep myself warm and healthy?

If the snow appear somewhat shrunk and your state of mind clumsy and robust, you have thought that spring is further than it is. Think that it is still winter, spring winter and snow melts, there is the atmosphere of spring in the air but in a way still winter, time to be outdoors in the winter time's way, but a good warm weather to spend time outdoors if one thinks of it as a part of winter.

In the spring when on a sunny place you can for the first time be some time without a hat or gloves, most think it is nice but soon it gets cold and one needs the hat and gloves again. It is important to wear warmly in the feet but a somewhat cooler coat is often nicer than one's old winter time habit of a very warm coat.

 I made a pece of melody to ease the viewpoint if one on spring winter's cloudy day indoors feels the landscape to be noninteresting, when the snow has melted from the roads but there is still snow cover at other places.

"The spring is for some April like kraahh like with square thinking and negative feeling. If one wants to compose some music piece as an advice for that, it is important to describe in the song how one walks in the spring in that weather in common sense ways with a sense of atmospheres and an understanding of how it is notural to live in such landscape with healthy spirit. So: a desription of the rythm of steps, for example that I first went that way to look at the snow melting and then went there, so that it helps the more beautiful and wise perspectives instead of just stairs and empty walls and maybe dead grasses and the forcelessness of antiseptic air on one'sskin ( to which helps to keep warm air always next to the skin)."

 In the spring until 1st of May or so, and often in March, it may be sometimes under zero temperature, even if in between it had just been well above zero. When it is under 0 Celcius, one always needs to take care that no part of the face or elsewhere gets freezed i.e. you lose that part of the body. And that danger is much bigger if you have just been adapted to warm sunshine or the like. In under 0C temperatures one always needs winter skills, needs to take care and to use healthy common sense.

In the spring when it is easier and more according to feelings to live as the weathers get warmer, many try on their own according to their feelings and sensations find a good way to live the spring, but as they are not used to such it maybe goes lousily. If you want to live the spring and other things in your life according to your feelings and sensations, you have to think of at least one day and night, have a landscape like picture of such leght with it's different sides and factors, it's feelings and it's important things to take care of, and n the other hand a such picture of maybe two weeks, so that you can prepare for things in advance, adapt to living conditions and learn from how different phenomena affect feelings, energy, what you are tuned to, the quality of things you do and how pleasant it is. The different factors are taken into account with everyday common sense, all at the same time in your landscapoe like picture (even though you go through them and their effects one by one). So you don't tune to just one feeling like one with a tunnel like eye sight. Instead you say that "I have this liking just now, maybe I follow it now and take care of other things slightly later".

I guess that happiness in the spring is mostly connected with one being fascinated about things to do that suit the weather and spring, and that one gets some motion in a way that suits the weather, and that one does not at indoors copy from women whose state of mind is unhappy or feels life tough, not even if they were interested in making home nice and in wisdom of life.
 Children's school discipline ought to be lightened as the spring proceeds and the things to study ought to be interesting and well presented, so that the spring would not go tough because school is tough for the kids, too unflexible.

Today it was very beautiful outdoors, the roads already melted but partly wet and sandy, the sun shone from a tilted angle and it brought to my mind May and the Russian spring which I though do not know so well, but a Finn feel the dominant position of the Russian theory perspective to be a burden and thinks whether something else would be more right choise, like common sense (which includes understanding and following civilized wisdom) and reaching for wisdom of life (which includes healthy ways of living and healthy spirit) and the something melting would be the snow cover. Now as a slowly walked it was somehow atmospheric, as if tears in eyes, since the snow cover was melting, I guess it is the view of insects which via birdsong somes to be a part of the atmosphere of the landscape, of the spirit of spring. The pine trees looked flourishing and young, which I guess was connected with the air being moist.

Yesterday, when it was beautiful, I went to the town public library and borrowed a pair of books which I planned to read somewhat like watching a postcard: bladdre and leave open at some interesting opening, think deeply about life and watch fascinating pictures. It left a good mood, I feel as if the spring would long for something flourishing too, for example a flower to one's window or these picture books and other fine things that leave a good mood, leave a taste like visiting aquiantages on the weekend.

Some suppose that one ought to be especially feeling in the spring time but produce uncontrolled result like someone in drugged. If one is weak from having been on a diet, there is lots of light even if one isn't fit enough for that and at the same time it is cool and not green, then the emotional life can be more uncontrolled and less skilled than usually and so one oguht not start a new special thing in the sphere of emotional life. The vow feeling of spring comes from the increasing possibilities for life of the wild nature and birds which date and form a family, get offspring, and from humans getting freed after winter cold to a wider sphere of life. The migration birds may feel uncontrolled emotionally and weak when they having experienced the hardships of migration journey and being used to warmer need to survive with little food in cool. Also the suport from the human society in this respect is smaller than usually when many are on a diet. In addition there is the seed dust season of the trees, so they too may be in the same subject area instead of just standing solid. I guess that the right answer is that the spring makes on drunk and it is good to be feeling in the ordinary ways by following the rulke "Live and let others live!", in other words: it is good to be slefish in ways positive for happy life but not to interfere with the lives of others, except fairly is ok, and also small amount of interfering is forbidden if the other one thinks that it disturbs her/him.
Each northern country, for example Finland, Russia and Sweden, have their own way to live the seasons and their weathers. I you know one culture's way of living the seasons, you can ususally have as a hobby to learn that of some other culture's or district's, but since the ways are different,one cannot at the same time learn the ways of living the seasons of any more countires, since they do not support each otehr at all as well as one culture's ways, culture, ways of thinking, character etc. I have the impression that if one tries at the same time learn Russia's and Sweden's ways of living the spring, that can cause uncontrolled ways.

If the social atmosphere is not good in the spring, it propably is a consequence of many being on a diet in the spring or lacking skills of living the spring, and so the social atmosphere would maybe improve if one would help also others over some difficulties, to which there are these advices about living the seasons, but many do not have energy to read in the spring, so it would be better to give a hint on just one or few points in living the spring. The best advice has seemed to be to keep a layer of warm air next to one's skin, and green plants on the window,even short lived if one does not have the skill to take care of them (try a flower), are an important part of the pleasantness of the spring. One's need of food needs to be estimated again and again every half an hour and sometimes quicker, since the weathers do not stay the same.

The spring doe not seem to go so very well by leaning to the spring, but instead one should have other content in life too and the spring would then appear as a pleasant contrast to it, kind of musical. This way is born at least some part of the spring clishee like spring.

In March when snow melts, one notices: "Spring is here.", and in April when the snow has melted but there aren't green around, one notices: "Let's wait a little for the ground melt deeper too to give water to the roots of trees so that they can grow leaves. Let's follow how the last snows melt from shadowy places, lakes losing their ice cover, buds developing and around eastern the appearance of first garden flowers and bees." And in the beginning of May, when trees get their leaves, one notices: "Huh! Now we can relax. The summer is almost here, the trees and birds already think that this is the summer and birds build their nests in the shelter of leaves. Soon will begin the summer holidays of schools too."

In the spring snow melts first near dark coloured objects. Branches etc which are revealed from under the snow, are worth looking from quite near: They open an endless richness of different forms, shades of colours and of atmospheres of summer growth, when one looks at them one by one and not as a mess of dead grass coloured things on the ground.
About how to make home nice so that it brings pleasantness and good mood to teh spring, see April part, just after the Chinese poem there. It is often good to buy green plants to one's window in March because in the winter when it is well below zero Celsius, plants often freeze on the way home. (If you buy from a food&artifact market shop a flower in a flower pot, it may be cheaper than a small green plant for your window but serve as such too after it has bloomed.)
The colours of spring are light green and yellow, maybe light colours at large. Some consider also pink a spring time colour, but I think that pink can be tough, especially in 1st of May, since all possible spouces to be are not at their best in spring, especially not in April. I guess that spring time colours ought to include also some red that one happens to like.

In the spring when snow melts but the ground is still frozen, so even places on the ground are left with water buddles beacuse the ground does not let it pass through, and so the ground is very wet and easily moved like mud and so one leaves large tracks even if one tries to avoid the worst puddles. It is said that the sand roads countryside are tghen broken: one cannot travel on them but must wait for a few days for the roads to dry. But that makes one realize that spring is at last here! And it will not be long before it is the summer, the first flowers, bees and leaves coming to trees, maybe a month only. And before that will even the last snows melt and lakes lose their ice cover. And one can follow as buds get bigger.

Soma tall grasses seem to have survived as green under the snow. This picture is from a south side slope by roadside.

 In rainy forest patch landscape in the end half of March there is it's own fascination, cool, solemn, an atmosphere somewhat like that of deers.

When in the spring one feels livelier because of light, warmth, melting snow, increasing possibilities for life and bird song, then one naturally needs less food. Some people get fatter toward winter, and then some part of body fat is for bearing winter cold, likewise some part of how heavy the food is and how much warmth it brings. In the spring when one thinks of the weathers some two weeks in advance and how it would be nice to live in those weathers, how heavy feeling from food, how warm from food, how much fresh fruits etc, and what on the other hand is winter reserves which one can well give up now. Then maybe winter's obesity, if one has such, is superfluous and can be used as energy for day's chores, even without being on a diet, like replacing a heavier meal, since when spring continues there will be warmer and warmer weather, so one does not anymore need fat and heavy food, but instead the main thing is reaching spring liveliness, spring mood and nice habits suited to spring and eventually to the summer.

In the winter the freezing temperatures separate home's windows from those who wander outdoors, but in the spring when weathers get warmer people start to take more contact with a larger environment even if they are not in a good mood because of school, work or diet and not so noce spring, and so the atmosphere at home is better if by the window there is a little bit like a wall of a castle, for example of the green plants on the window, like feels good. Also a basket by the window helps watching the brown grasses and serves also as a wall.
One can choose nicer approaches and pleasant things a little bit like one chooses hobbies: dive into them for a moment and then continue ordinary life.

(Picture from the beginning of April 2018, spring is late and there is still lots of snow.)

Bladdre through and read at interesting and useful parts, at the same time the whole March and April, maybe also the beginning of May. Trees get leaves in the beginning of May.

The whole spring part of this text about the seasons together with the short melodies seems to make April lose it's tendency to collapse, at least nearly fully so.

In the spring in April melt also the last snow patches and lakes lose their ice cover (which already earlier were too dangerous to wander on). The increasing amount of light brings more stimuli, more room for being active, likewise increasing warmth and the ground which is revealed from under the snow is full of all kinds of things to look and to exparience, but somewhat less before the real beginning of the summer.

One pleasant way to wander in April's under zero weather when there is still snow, and propably also later when it is cool, is to be humble and atmospheric.

Th April isn't a good time to think of the moth as a whole and kind of style it toward April like. Instead it is good if one can live the beginning of April in a March like way or continuing from March, and the other parts of April are good to live carried by different fascinating factors like looking at the plants revealed from under the snow and the first green plants, the green of pines, the awakening nature's feel of vigour,of life, the new species joining the bird song choir, the first garden flower by the walls of the houses of the garden district and seeing the first insects, admiring the beauty of buds and following how they develop and the atmospheres of sunny & other weathers and the increasing possibilities for active life and speedy too.

When the snow has largely melted and in April it is still sunny and the ground melts giving room for plants' roots. The weather has then same kind of concretical beauty as the colours of duck's(?) feathers in the sun near the shore or the sense of mist or sunny dust cloud or fog likewise in thes un when you watch water or snow shining in the sun and it partly blinds your eyes for a moment, which makes it an experience to travel in the midst of the ground still covered by dry leaves, still lifeless but given strenght by the undergrowth and tree trunks preparing for the summer's fresh greenery, having conquered the winter and being strong enough to bring the summer. It is at the same time both cold, cool, and warm, like on a warmer day in November, and colours too are the same kind of pastel colours and warm clothes still needed, even though one can already part of the time lift one's hat to the forehead and take off the thinner gloves for a moment and use a lighter coat even though still a winter coat. The sense of speed, living full of life and taking advantage of the increasing possibilities for activities outdoors and following how buds develop bring their own charm and pleasantness to April.

Treeless town center on a sunny day in April

If the town center's landscape that consists mostly of houses and city streets is ugly and makes one feel as if ill, one can look at such landscapes with a more foggy way of looking and look at sunshine, dust etc esthetics and every few seconds look also at people, other living beings and shop windows with a sharp eyesight, seeing also their enviroment sharply, but not attaching to it any more if it alone feels nasty.
The Japanese have a philosophy called Zen Buddhism, which teaches that increasing one's awareness makes one happy (works via healthy ages old ways of living) and skilled (one learns new things and grows in wisdom), but it does not mean grasping a nasty feeling landscape, since in it the idea is to learn also wisdom of life, so that if something feels nasty, one ought not grasp it but instead bypass it and solve it to better state, like the dirt from cars is everywhere near street as a thin net over the snow, while the dark dirt looking by the streets is winter time sand used to prevent excessive gliding on ice. So one should notice the different sides of the phenomena and what is a good approach for each side of each phenomenom.

Looking too demands forces (for attentiuon, posture, liveliness, living according to feelings and for being eager, I mean the muscles connected to these), likewise wandering outdoors and being active after the quiet winter months largely indoors demands forces, and so many in the spring time feel a some kind of spring fatigue.
Instead of shifting at one single try to spring mode,if lightness makes you tired and it is still cold outdoors, you can sometimes at sunny moments look for a few seconds at sunny spots, at the liveliness of light and then spend a few moments contemplating that nice feelings, instead of trying to be so full of energy aruptly. When you are tired, you easily doze, but in small pieces with a good motivation the spring is noce and brings forces, and after a week or two you are energetic the whole day and enjoy the spring.
You can also wander outdoors in short pieces: take a few steps along a winding path and take a look at what has been revealed from under the snow, at the seasons of the nature and at the tough living environment of the wild nature, at it's multitude and at the environment in which insects and young birds will soon live. At some other time you can wonder a few such pieces and after a few days spend a longer time outdoors if the weather is sunny.

Lingonberry next to from where a tree has been fallen years ago. Lingonberry keeps it's green leaves under the snow.

In the winter time in February one more like remembers life and reads about wisdom of life, spends time indoors doing things well suited to oneself, and so the coming of the spring opens a new richness when there are many possibilities, things to do, and a richness of those, it's meaningfulness after quiet winter life more and more and with increasing possibilities for doing things the weather lifts the life to such heights that were just a dream in the winter time. Nature, warmth, motion, activitets and social environment's activities outdoors in the garden and the near environment bring life pleasant content and ready people for enjoying the warmer weathers and look at the greenery of summer time.

Now in the beginning of April my dogs thought late in the evening about heat returning to the body after having been out in the cool or in cold, under zero. And so I tried to compose something about it, since it is a subject that suits the winter half of the year, and maybe even the summer.

In April when it is under 0C if one does not feel well and it is as if there were bacteria around like maybe from spoiled food, that is maybe because above 0C there are bacteria in the air but under 0C they die, so that you cannot let cold air move freely next to your body, but instead you should try to stay warm like in the autumn inside a ball of warm air.

Some of the first green leaves on a lawn, covered by snowfall of spring time's colder winter like weather.

When the spring comes you don't need as heavy feeling as in the winter dcold, and so at the same time as you start to feel the temptation for lighter food and juice and fruits, you change also to a degree or two lighter basic food, like feels good for your body, taking into account that there no longer is any need to bear cold and instead the weathers get warmer all the time. At the same time you change your way of moving to somewhat more active and sporty in those respects that it has been suited to lazying indoors.

Both while walking or driving a bicycle or a car, one's attention in the traffic is essentially better if one looks at the trees too, at how magnifient looking they are.

Trees like the melting water from snow: the feeling of the green of pines and also in the leafless leaf trees a feeling of awakening vigour of life.

(So when I made this piece of melody, there was still snow under the trees, and the sun shone melting the snow.)

When there is only a little green or alive nature, one's glance attaches to the living nature, signs of spring and sunshine, and kind of glides in an uninterested way, kind of dull, over dead grass, winter time road sand and the like.

One can admire the buds with the sense of atmospheres like watching a piece of art that changes atmosphere as the spring proceeds: the miracle of new life, even though they come to leaf only after weeks.

In the halfway of April come the first garden flowers to gardens.
As the spring advances migratory birds return and the bird song choir is joined by new bird species with new types of song. Finch is one of the most common bird species and it's song reminds of summer time greenery.
 In April the buds of trees and bushes swell and usually in the beginning of May they get leaves.

Spring time's under 0C days have their own beauty too. Those days of course the snow does not melt.

In the spring time you change to lighter clothes but not too quickly so as to avoid catching a cold and needing to spend the spring ina  flu. You must not sit on cold or cool surface so as to not to get ill. If you wear a too warm coat, it is warm like on hot summer days and so you are not fully awake but kind of dozing and that is not the right way to lead your life to spring and summer. Instead wearing somewhat cooler clothes you can get to be a part of life and so you get a pleasant mood content with active life after the long pause in the winter time.

This piece of tune has been made afterwards ( a week later), the memory was maybe from the end of March 2019, but a partly wet road is beautiful in it's own way, nice to wander on, at least if the sun shines from a tilted angle.

In April when there isn't much green outdoors, green plants and flowers on your window lift the mood.
Plants requiring very little watering do well even in clumsy hands if you water them almost never. You can also saw seeds to flower pots to your window to be your summer flowers.
(The upper picture's plants are better looking because the place and position of each flowerhas been chosen on a good day's good moment, like on a sunny free time moment, naturally momentarily like feels good then, and then left the flower and the flower pot there without touching anything in it, without twisting a leaf, also when watering, for weeks or months, so that the flower adjusts it's position according to the light and the space it has like is good for it to grow and like looks beautiful.)

Like in the winter time, it is worth in the spring too to take always care that there is warm air next to one's skin, at least some warm air, so that you don't feel, because of the antiseptic air, bothered by the spring or forceless or agitated or in the beginning of spring dizzy feeling. Drinking tea can cool one's skin now that one does not need so much warmth. Instead, drinking cold water (not too much, a glass or so) turns body's heat production on.

If some spring time's landscape is too rough, concretical, ugly, of a square skill level and has the atmosphere of living unwisely, then one ought to use together with the concretical basic leveö of watching, the level of daily life from the perspective of common sense that uses also looking and the sense of atmospheres. So the sense of atmospheres together with seen structures describes concretically also the more complex phenomena, so that for example beauty is a characteristic of some side or part of life that is described by common sense.

 Very squarely thinking, engineer like, kkrraahh like people often claim they are April type persons and try to conquer the whole April, i.e. the Aprils of all people to their kind of life, which the others very much suffer from. Better to not to support such but instead look for signs of the spring in the nature. Also an engineer thinks better in his/her work if he/she is more tuned to looking at the nature and to more complex healthy kind of life than just square things.

 Some try in April to cut away from others skriik skrääk all wise and all according to feelings, as if such were a winter time's thing that needs to be given up when the spring comes. They seem to be people who think that winter is warm, warmer than spring and summer, which they think as cool. So they are propably either people who have eaten in the winter months more than they consider good, or then they are from the tropics.

Usually people have a quite harsh view on life in April, so it is not good to copy their clishes about April, but many have a speedy or otherwise ok way to live April without problems, so one can copy their activities and their speediness, because they often bring much content to life. And as the atmosphere of April one can use what it is when one wanders in the nature: sun, swelling buds, the awakening of nature, and of course one's own hobbies bringing content to life.

The folk song "On neidolla punapaula" could serve as an advice on living the April ("Oh April!") if one would alter the words: "Look, like this spring birds join playing birds. - Or do you think that I would flee away!"

I do not know, but does it make me more energetic in the spring time that I do not consider it unusually much sexually oriented time for me, when all are nonenergetic, but I prefer summer time when all are in a nice mood and are better looking and have enough energy to carry over coming times, and along the year in nice contexts which I want more to my life.
In the spring time there are dead leaves and grasses, but already early when one looks at the grasses more detailedly one can see there new green leaves. When one stays to wonder about the atmospheric beauty of spring's leaves and buds, one learns some wisdom of life about how to build a new beginning and a coming flourishing season. The spring is time for recovery and for awakening to life, a model for miraclkes.

I wonder if in April one ought to celebrate that the insects, other animals and multiyear plants survived over the winter, celebrate already before their flourishing seasons begins, different species maybe at different times?

At some spots grass is green almost at once when the snow has melted Does it depend on the place it grows on, about how thick snow was there or was it removed from the spot, or of the type of grass seed used? Would they know in a gardening shop?

 During the different seasons there are several types of heat regulation of the body in use. It is important to use just the type of heat regulation that suits the ongoing seasons and it's weather now. There is freezing winter weathers' curling to warmth, warm clothes, heavy food and short recreations outdoors..There are the rains of water mixed with snow and the little bit warmer weathers of few plus degrees Celcius, and to them  suited the tough motivation of the style of the song Stenka Rasin and kind of breathing warm air strongly from inner parts of the body to the skin. In the spring's and of the first half of the autumn good weathers to wander outdoors one gets warmth from sporty motion, (in an intermediate season coat) with ordinary food. There are the ordinary summer weathers of room temperature and a little bit higher with relaxed holiday like style and not much need to pay attention to staying warm.And there are the hot summer days when light hot day summer clothes, swimming and half-shadow under the trees and making meals much lighter or avoiding them bring a relief.

"About recovering from more strenous motion than usually:
The body warm and soft, kind of ball like, in ways that feel good as if comfortably in a sofa.
For returning energy reserves healthy food like on saturdays.
One ought to listen to muscles and limbs and the positions of the body: how the exercise makes them stronger and the good posture that they seek how it brings to the different parts of the body good space to live in and support from the neighbouring parts, health and strenght for the future. One ought to reserve time and eace for the body and mind for this like one listens to the body temperature after sauna, in other words there is a moment for this and otherwise one can be peacefully listening to the atmosphere of the moment, for a monet with a smaller sphere of attention for one to be with a better endurancy and more rested in the future, but just only according to what feels good and right, what the body and one's feelings long for.
If one is restless because of having exercised too much, it is good to move a little bit when one feels so whether it is two seconds or a few minutes, and then rest again when one feels so."
"Recovery and getting wiser
Recovering from more strenous motion than usually and after motion generally makes one feel good and is good for the body and mind.
Recovering after motion can make one wise similarly as waking up in the morning gradually (see point 6. in this blog in the text about healthy ways of living), if the movements are free in the whole body most of the time, like the body and mind each moment feel to be good for them, and not all the time curling or all the time as if one were a piece of bread.
Of the type of motion one ought to think that I got this type of motion now but I intend to keep my possibilities of moving wide, also now as I recover. One oguht not aim at being stiuck to that type of moving that one usually meets.
One needs to let the bpdy find a good posture for each of it's parts, for it's environment too anf for all body parts good possibilities of movement to different directu´ions, even though now largely as intentions, and a good posture for each part, and let the posture be alive and change from moment to moment and bring a good honest sporty way of living, a bouncing step and lots of freed energy and a fresh mind."
One can learn sports talents this way:
"Do not make plans about how to move but decide each second and each fraction of a second anew what right now feels like the best idea about where to move, how to move, in which style, in which attitude, in which mood, with how much eager interest and quickness resulting from that or relaxed awareness or emotionally motivated force,... So you change all the time, your plans change and you learn to pick each fraction of a second just the things that you like best right then to be your goalsetting right then in practice in your movements. So you feel happy and fulfilled. Be wary of boredom and habits."

On spring's rainy weathers it would be important to keep the heat production of the body good, so that feet would stay warm and the clothes would dry easier and so one would not be likely to catch a cold.

Here a not-so-successfull composition from the same day. At least it was too unusual weather: an ice rain like rain of snow that looked like ordinary spring rain and lasted long.

In rain the light is beautiful, if it does not rain heavily and if the clouds are not heavy: a rain drop here and there lightens for a second or so in the light and behind the rain one can see a beautiful light.

As he weathers get warmer, old familiar winter clothes get too warm and that is why they bring a foggy feeling which bring accidents in the traffic. That is one reason why it is important to pay attention to the weather and to change to so much cooler clothes that one is senses open alive and along with life with quyick reactions. (I just 6.5.2015 saw a pedestrian hit by a car who had hit one's head and both the driver and the one hit seemed to have been foggy like ones in too warm clothes.)
In Finland the hottest summer days are a little bit ovet +30C and the coldest winter mornings around -30C, so in the autumn one needs to learn to live with some 60C colder outdoor weather. But indoors it is around the year a little buit over +20C, so the biggest part of getting used to warmer in the spring time goes easy via finding an intermediate form between one's winter or spring time habits and skills and on the other hand indoor warmth. So one only needs to learn to survive the +10C degrees warmer outdoor weather in the summer time.

As the weathers get warmer in the spring the heat connected things in the body change. Those who in the winter time felt that they needed heavier food and being more fat to stay warm, survive now with much less. The amount of fatness and of drinking tea needs to be adjusted for the coming summer views and not for winter cold anymore. Drinking tea gets replaced by sportiness and activities also indoors, no longer a blanket and tea bring pleasant mind but instead pleasantness is brought by sports and all kinds of activities. Being sporty makes blood circulate well and heat regulation wiork well so that one has no danger of cold aches in the summer time either when one sticks to being sporty. Of foods fruits and vegetables help to handle increasong light and the increased amount of looking around.

I haven't had the habit of fasting on spring, since it seems to collapse the well going spirit of spring, but I have lightened my choice of foods and added fruits and the like and especially tried to tune my ways of living to the varying weathers and other environmental conditions. But on Eastern the Holy Thursday(?), or which day was it, is a day that supposes that all fast at least a little bit, and in that a good try is I guess more important than problematically the whole day. If one associates only with positive kinds (for example music, healthy natural ways of living and the positive effect of religion) of things (and solves problems well) one needs less food and can eat some meal later, for example a half an hourlater or an hour or two, if one does not plan to leave uneaten. That way one can for example eat before noon lighter and in the afternoon or early evening eat some meal later, which one tough eats after having tried in a good way. That day it is not ok to go to the food shop in ordinary ways, but instead there seems to be someproblem in it.
 If you are sometimes very hingry, at least a few times more hungry than usually, even though you have eaten quite heavily (and it looks like that the spring is so far that there will no longer come as cold weathers as you were this far prepared to), I guess that is a message from your nature that on that day, on those a couple of hours it would be good for you to get thinner a large part of what you need to get thinner, so that you do not need to be on a diet for the whole spring but instead just for a moment every now and then. A big hunger on spring is for smallening yur body's fat reserves, and does not easily stop by eating. But sometimes the temperature outdoors is under 0C or you have eaten lighter and then you do need a real meal.

I guess the atmosphere during Eastern is better if during the Palm Sunday which is the Sunday starting the Eastern week, one has been shed with a decorated tree branch, often by kids who say:'
"I awake you, I shed you with a plant branch
to make you fresh and healthy
for the coming year.
Which one will you give to me:
an egg or a hen?"
Usually people choose to give a chocolate egg, either right away or after a wekk on Eastern Siunday. Somehow one feels better, the year starts better when people of different generations have wished good health for the whole year and there has been the nature element along in it.

Waking from death is a subject that makes Eastern nicer. Birds with their singing wake insects every spring.

Melted road tempts to running spurt (=eagerly short distance). In the spring if oen hasn't gotten the same kind of motion for a long time, a part of attention is spent for finding right place right mood, right ways of trying and doing for moving, for starting energetically, for running, for letting go, all in nice ways, even though that is a characteristic of nice successful moving also otherwise, a part of sports talents like recognising one's mood and emotional motivation about what way of moving goes well right now. 
In the summer time the heat regulation goes in a more musical way if one has motion as a hobby, and so it is good to start sports hobby in the spring when the possibilities for moving are good after the winter.

If the spring time's weathers in April feel uneasy, either too varying or too much always the same, I guess it helps to use a varied rythm in wandering outdoors and in life otherwise too, so that one sees what works well and how heat regulation and changes in ways of living according to weather and need of variation in life make one's experience of life melodical.

One cannot continue to spring the same way one lived the winter or one feels lousy and unmotivated, since the weathers are different and the amount of activity too. In the spring one needs to change to new gears, to more lively life, tuning into the sides of spring mood that have charm, and change so one's ways again and again according to the weathers, long into the summer.

It is nice when from under the melted snow the ground is revealed, but watching at the pavement makes one tired. Also dust makes one tired, and the somewhat shrunk partly melted snow compared to winter time makes one somewhat tired. But looking at trees and the weather, and the spring birds do not make one tired.

If there is any green tone in the grasses or lawn, one should look closer to notice that some of the plants are already green, either survived the winter as green or are new plants with small leaves.

I tried to compose something with the aim that one's experience of April would sing:

Bird song concert on the road side trees near still leafless big flower bushes:

Those who like reading books maybe usually like spring, when things outdoors go like "I found one thing, and there another, and there!" like in reading books. But they are usually more agitated åersons, setting less weight on taking into account social relationship and more on noticing what was in books, and so their influence does not bring a nice spring to others via social roads but only via coming along to a book oriented, facts oriented attitude.
Can one think that new biginnings are not so flourishing but more concentrated on ideas that bring a possibility to something flouirshing?

A green bud of "syreeni" flower bush, propably a white flower variant of the species, like the picture earlier, even though the picture was taken in another place.

It looks like the pieces of melodies needed for this text's spring part are now here and ready, and so the whole text about the seasons is quite ready too.

(If you know how to compose melodies, I guess that there is a need for melodies about nice ways of living the spring and other seasons. I am using a free music score writing site in the internet "write music", and a "free blog" with it's (also free) search keywords. Likewise with tips about living the seasons. But a computer and a camera one does need.)

In the spring it does not make sense to think of dry leaves and dead grasses as dead, especially not to think overly much of the fact that they are dead. Instead one should concentrate on seeing the possibilities for new life in the nature: the atmosphere of vigour in the branches of bushes and trees and the first green grasses which arise from the middle of dry old leaves. Soon will the first flowers arise from under the surface.
Even a single tree has thousands and thousands of leaves which die in the fall but the tree itself stays alive from year to year. If one in the spring time dresses in somewhat cooler clothes compared to the time spent outdoors, one realises concretically why trees don't yet have leaves and why it takes time for the spring to arrive fully.
First there come a little bit green to certain places and after some time more green and after still some time green leaves appear almost everywhere and there will be flowers too.

Outdoors the grass already looks green. (The flower is called "amaryllis",  it is a common Christmas flower which later can bloom also at other times of the year.)

Nervous feeling in the spring is often a consequence of too cool clothes. (See the autumn part)
Shocked feeling is often related to it being below zero Celsius and no bacteria around, eventhough just a littel bit earlier in the spring there were bacteria outdoors and people felt relieved because of that. A socked feeling can also be a consequence of a heat loss, to which one needs a heavy meal to fix the damage.
Too little room for life and too stupid square thinking are often a consequence of looking mostly at straight lines and square forms. One should instead look at the curving edge of grass, of where snow has melted, etc, at the visual complexity of bushes etc. Complex natural visual stimuli lift the mood a lot: The spring is already here and the psring advances from day to day fursther and further even though it is still cold.

Years ago I learned to like wandering on city streets in April, when I used to read poems in the spring time, but I do not remember which poems fitted just April. Now all the snow has not yet melted but I guess that for example old Chinese poems:
A quotation from Pertti Nieminen's Finnish translation collection "Veden hohde, vuorten värit, Kiinan runoutta" (Water's shine, the colours of the mountains, Chinese poetry)
A poem of Chiang K'uei
"A summer day on Ling-Yin mountain

The wind blows to the pine branches,
it longs me to join it under the pines.
From via the northern mountains comes clouds;
I need to all the time turn my head
             and look at them.

Clouds arise all day and night,
the rain of the mountains keeps clothes wet.
How long do I need to still sit
            behind the bamboo window
and mumble new songs about the rain falling?"
(My translation)

 Indoors in April especially green plants make it nicer, and maybe also natural materials, things like traditional handicrafts, like a basket, and a nice blanket or the like soft warm with nice atmosphere and still needed. An instrument / music too.

When there isn't yet almost any green around, it is tough to associate with the people in the more southern areas who just then enjoy their new greenery, because one cannot do the same and ground one's life on that. Better to look at the buds, listen to birdsong and enjoy sunny weathers. 
The lifeless landscape and block like thinking that are a burden in April, are what the Finnish landscape and weather appear in the eyes of those who have just come from warmer countries with their greenery. Can it be that many foreigners come to Finland already in April and maybe for the 1st of May? I guess that they could find useful the other advices in this text about living wisely the spring.

I live in a tourist town Savonlinna in which it seemed already in the beginning of April that there had come lots of tourists and some of them from warmer countries who planned to psend the whole summer season in Finland. So Finland's spring and summer can be full of people who look quite Finnish and maybe speak some Finnish but do not know the Finnish seasons and don't even plan to psend the winter season in Finland's climate. Those who come from warmer countires propably consider Finland cold or cool and not at all as green as in the south, which can bring a pedantic easily agitated mind to them instead of the Finnsih young horses running wild to summer meadows. So one cannot trust the common wisdom of all if some part does not cultivate winter skills and does not recognize summer as summer but maybe is not skilled with hot days either and that is the reason why they are in Finland.

Some parent think that mothers' day in the second week of May and some think that 1st of May are so nice that waiting for that brings pleasantness to April, but those are things connected to human relationships and so forcing such to others does not bring a nice mood but can ruin the whole April. Similarly some like to wait for Eurovision song contest in the fist half of May, but such does not bring energy to all but can be of a wrong kind.
Longing for Eurovision is propably connected with the feeling that in the spring one ought to build a summer that is good life and wise, but I guess that it does not connect so much with music and birdsong but instead with there first being snow and trees and bushes having just branches and then also beautiful buds which develop beautifully and later give leafs which is a great relief and which plants in practice very much need, and in teh end of spring the bushes are in flower and everywhere there are flowers and green, which is some kind of perfection according to feelings to the concreticality of the beginning and to the promise of leaves that buds create, and could be likewise good for thinking and skills of living, making tem wiser.

 When the grass is already green, the landscape is nice.

In the spring and in the summer it is important to have the right kind of attitude toward a bigger amount of light. Spots of sunshine are beautiful, especially if the sun comes through tree branches or green plants on the window. In the morning and before noon light brings a relief to the night time: to it's dizziness and to a too heavy feeling. They are replaced by light taste of life and easy activity. Sunshine invites one to outdoors. When one then for a few minutes or better if longer spends outdoors watching the scenery and taking part in the life there, one is in a better modd when one returns home and the sun has brought summer nearer.

If there is in April a colder day somewhat like having a glimpse of winter again, then there are less bacteria around and one needs a lot heavier food. If one does not take care of those things, one can feel weird, agitated and angry, out of balance as if something were wrong or disturbing a lot, but to that help much heavier foods that day. The big heat loss is maybe a consequence of keeping company to the surrounding air like as if it were a warm sunhine but it is in fact much colder and cloudy- that is an error I guess that people in Lappland usually don't make.
Also on other days if the atmosphere is poor, it helps if one is not on a diet but eats the ordinary meals like on a slightly cooler weather than the weather of that day, according to the food circle advice about right nutritients.

In April and around 1st of May people long for much more fracturelessness. Around the year the song Sunnuntaiaamuna (= On Sunday morning) brings fracturelessness when sung watching the trees, but it is in fact a song for July.
"On a Sunday Morning

It is summer's bright morning,
and a summer Sunday.
Trees do not move a leaf,
also the birds are silent!
Slightly bloom the fields
and the hills are green.
Solemn morning bells
ring just peace, peace.

Like a saints' celebration walk
wander chords over the land.
This is like the eve of a day,
of a holy, happy.
It creates a quietened mind
to a silent tremble,
quietens one's words
and brings a tear to one's eye."
(My translation of the Song)

(Source: Uusi Kultainen laulukirja, please click on the picture to make it bigger)

Some have headache on spring mornings, when they strive to be awake and there is dust in the air and a bright light. But if one wakes up more listening to the atmosphere, in somewhat misty way, enjoying bird song and spots of sunlight, somewhat slower on breakfast, one does not get any headache and the spring is beautiful, enjoyable.

When one feels the spring , follows the coming of green leaves, the increasing of light and warmth, the spring time's bird song concert and admires the beauty of buds, the spring kind of carries one along. That is why some propably wanted to celebrate spring already in the beginning of May, and thought that hey now will trees soon get their leaves,  it is almost summer already, I wanna celebrate spring. And that is why people celebrate 1st of May as a kind of start for the summer time or spring with green leaves. But all do not know how to feel the spring coming, and so when one takes all along to such celebration it aren't so spring like and spirited. Of the 1st of April I come to think of the same: one can already find the first green leaves, maybe someone wanted to celebrate spring then,

This song Unkarinsyreenit (= flowering bushes) fits the spring April and May, like a green plants seller: "My younger generation girl, girl, go already. The youth is like a rising sun. In the repair's man's yard will a boy wait for you hands in paper vaselin. And flowring bushes scent (in the beginning of the summer) when clumsy kisses are exchanged. And you will see how burning is love. Flames hit, flames hit, smoke slightly painful in the eyes. And it will not eat, it does not thank, it does not bow, it just takes it's coat from the nail and starts to wander. Adn you will see how burning is love. Flames hit, flames hit, smoke slightly painful in the eyes."

When there is not yet almost any green anywhere, looking at the greenery of pines' branches brings a good mood, fracturelessness and energy.

It is my impression that those who are most borne to allergies are people whose relationship to nature is very distant. For example trees and other sources of allergy should be seen also in the modern world as very valuable essential parts of our living environment and as deserving a very dominant role in the world.

My impression is that people are not so very successful with their 1st of May dates. Just the mostwork like, not so nice people think that they are at their best in April and 1st of May, and so if you seek for a date for example in some hobby group in April, they are the ones who eagerly grasp the chance and most others not. Instead you should around the year be aware of what kind of person you consider charming, nice and a good choise for you, what style, in which way sporty, intelligent, tasting of life, which style of skills, which values and in which style social date you are seeking, and admire, be friendly and flirt with them around the year and consider 1st of May a chance to suggest a date. (See also D6 in the summer part)

In the middle of April come the first garden flowers, first as green sprouts and then in a few days as flowers. Then it does not feel so tough any more. Also when one looks closer at the somewhat green places in the grasses, one notices that young green plants are already in sight, with beautifullu decoration like young leaves. The landscape is no longer so lifeless. Paying attention to green plants and they often quick growth takes away the heavy feeling brought by the dead grasses and one gets to follow the spring like the spring clishes. When there are already some flowers and a warm day, come the first big insects: bees and butterflies.


May (spring), and mixed in something about June and the summer

Summer starts in the last few days of May, but here is something of June in the middle of the text about May, and something about summer generally too, since it is good to know beforehand. All do not have the energy to read in the summer time, so please read June and July before summer starts.

April is tough partly because it is quite antiseptic because of the cold. In the beginning of May the air is already warmer and the fact that there are some bacteria around brings a more summer like feeling, much more alive and well. Also the green grass and flowers bring a  more summer like feeling, especially if one sometimes touches them with a hand.
To tough April like feeling help the advices in the April part, and of the March part at least the last piece of advice.

Singing spring
Now that trees and bushes are getting their leaves, instead of Eurovision song contest, I feel that the nature would somehow long for humans too to sing, maybe like this, a little bit like on the summer cottage or an freely organized choir or singing at home, like feels to suit the moment.
(A quotation from my blog 29.4.2017 :)
"A singing skill from a few years ago came to my mind today morning, when grass was most places already green, sun was shining, birds sang and the green plants on my window created a feel of green, there was like the summer time a haze like atmosphere in the air. So with that atmosphere came to my mind a tune that I roughly knew, or something in the direction, so I sang it in a way that emphasized the fascination of the atmosphere, like doves or yodling(?) of the Alps or composing, creating sound like the atmosphere, not according to rigid forms but singing especially the parts that are musical, emphasizing the atmoshphere tones, like assembling from pieces of different strenght, somehow a very natural song and atmospheric, a little bit like what a composer seeks for with his/her tune: a moment with such an atmosphere but richer one, and then singing it naturally, not la-la-laa or the like as if from notes but instead from the places that the atmosphere touches oneself, one is fascinated by such an experience, but somehow on a general level and not a murmur of personal life."

Songs fitting to May would be On armas mulle aallon tie and maybe Karjalan kunnailla.

(21.5.2017   This year the spring is some 2 weeks late, which happens 2-3 times in a century, but luckily the summer comes when the sun is high enough.)

(29.4.2019   This year the spring is early.)
(2.5.2019   I happened to add here also these pieces of melodies, but even if it could interest people what kind of melodies I would manage to produce for the summer, I happen to live in an afternoon sun side apartment, which is very hot in the summer time, so I cannot compose anything about the ordinary Finnish summer weathers. Also otherwise since I do not have much money, I cannot spend the summer in so very good ways. 
For the summer time there would be very fine songs in Youtube, but somehow they got broken when I tried to add them to this text. But maybe one could make a link list of them to help the summer part. Or then they do work when the summer is nearer.
8.7.2019   The summer part has now two short melodies that I have made in June, but only one of them about living the weathers.)

In the beginning of May the grass is already green and leaves start t come out of the buds. The weathers get warmer and the atmosphere predicts coming summer, even if it sometimes were cold. Birds have already recovered from their long migration journey and one hears birds singing often, sometimes all the time.
In the beginning of the second week of May when the ground has melted all the way by the roots of the trees, get trees their leaves and at once all feel much better and are less tired. Birds then build a nest in the cover of the leaves, lay their eggs there and start sitting warming on the eggs or build their nest in a nest box/hut(?).
The trees get their leaves very quickly, often even in three days full sized leaves, even though etnderly light green and thin. Young leaves are beautiful and it is fun to follow how they develop fastly. The ice in the ground prevented trees from growing leaves, but when the ground had melted, the trees at once grow full sized leaves in only a few days. Latest at the middle of May have the most common Finnish trees full sized leaves. Trees from warmer climates get leaves later. When birches have mouse ear formed and sized leaves one knows that the summer has at last come.
Leaves on trees brings at once a more leisurely atmosphere. The burden of winter has been carried and now it is a again the time to load the batteries. On sunny days it is already warm in those places which are sheltered from wind. For the birds and the insects the summer begins and the school kids have only a couple more leisurely weeks of school left before summer holidays, when the families often keeptheir holidays quite soon and go to some holiday trip or arrange some happening to realize that the summer has come and to give it a good start. During the Midsummer which means the lightest time of the year a little bit after the middle of June most or at lerast many go to their summer cottages, because that has since ancient times been a celebration and because they have holiday and want to give a the summer a good start. In the Midsummer one burns large Midsummer fires on ferries and it is fascinating to be awake over the night when it is even in the night so light that one can see the colours.
Around the same time as trees, bushes too get leaves, and suddenly they many, for example "syreeni", bloom with many flowers.
In the spring and in the beginning of the summer one should take care to not to disturb bird nests, for example by not walking near or keeping loud noise near their nest, and cats and dogs have to be kept in leash to prevent them from eating the young birds which do not yet knwo how to fly.

Summer is a time of fullness. Some melancholy which on cooler weather brought a somehow dissatisfied feelings, is now away. The grass is growing green and flourishing. The summer aren't just warmth but the flourishing green is essentia. In the summer time it is easy to achieve one's very best, but not long work sequences, not labour like a tired one in the evening, instead like one on a holiday always twinding path leading to new things one after another, not stuck, finding one's own roads. In the summer time one's own wings carry well and the beauty of nature, especially of flowers, give a forefigure of a fine successfull way of doing things and succeeding but at the same time holiday like. The summer is a good time for celebrations and parties, for highlights and it is also rest and loading energy for a reserve for the demands of the other seasons, getting refreshed, finding one's own rythm like on free time.
(The thinking course at and the advices on links from there about developing in intelligence bring good quality objectivity to summer time thinking.)

In Finland houses do not have any heating on summer season, and of course no cooling either.

* * * *

See for the book 


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