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Near or far, all together via the power of wisdom

 From my blog 

" Old times' skills of living in a forest hut

 " In a forest hut, "Time passes, but husband hasn't returned" ( a happy ending via wishing well and high skills ) 

 I watched a music video of Korpiklaani ("forest dwelling men"), called something like A wordless land, which ought to be in the meaning life experience not put to words. It had English lyrics in the video description, but I do not know if the words were the point. They seemed to wonder, had it been possible for anyone to grow wheats here, since the ground and climate did not appear bringing large enough crops for farming. But as far as I know most of the lands in Finland were uninhabited forests, but the more fruitful pieces of land are niwadays typically fields, even though some of them for grasses for animals. There used to be more swamps, but those were dried at some point in history, and the resulting landscape of hills and lakes is much nicer for life. 

But how did people in the old times live in a forest hut? As far as I know thry did some farming and fishing, maybe also had some animsls, but those were mostly for one's own use plus some exchange with neighbours etc. 

The song had also some words, as if spoken quietly thinking by a maybe elderly woman living or spending some part of the year in a forest hut: "Time is passing, but husband hasn't returned (from a walk or from some work in the forest)". So how were such situatilns solved? With one's own wisdom of lufe and supporting the wisdom of life of the environment, both of children, animals, birds, people of the area, even religious connections taken into account, living with grest wisdom of life and good quality, wishing well in the world, lifting the lives to healthy wise far carrying ways which wish well in the world and respect beautiful values and wisdom of life about good ways of doing and individual's life choices' importancy, wishing well and wisely also in the spiritual realms, valuing also animals and their wisdom and social support, the singing birds spreading thr joint effort of the people, animals, spiritual connections, etc wider, respecting beautiful values, lifting also quality high and wisdom of feelings followed, and spreading so good luck, common sense and basic communication. And so helped to wise ways the husband may return and ordinary life continues, caring also for the helpers, making the way of life carry wisely in the long run. Similarly if the husband died or was in an accident, one tries to carry the situation well, wisely from the point of view of feelings and life in the long run, cultivating important values, and so maybe such wisdom helps also in the spiritual realm if one has wise enough helpers, the nature cared wisely enough. And so one can live there. But another type of character would like more people around, less emphazis on skills, and so they would flourish in warmer countries and not here.

So maybe they can live there, because they live in a good way suited to there, good for the world too  and like such life maybe best, it is a good place for them, and even if they die there, it is a good merciful place for them to die in just such a place, and so they just wish well and continue life in good wise ways with healthy spirit. And so it is good that they live there, and so the husband maybe returns unharmed and life just continues. 


30th of March 2024, the Saturday of the Easter week 

Obs. This text is aimed at a global audience, so the situations and skills vary a lot. ( There is a climate skills advice for all climates, which has to be applied to just local conditions, at the blog , see . ) 

The basic thing with the above text is that if you invest in raising your skill level in a way that raises also the skill level of your family etc in your large near environment, for example via birdsong in daylight time, or by atmosphere of sounds of human chores indoors, then those sharing the same view on skills and values, may survive better than they otherwise could have, and so you get more ordinary life like result. But such cooperation works best if you respect the nature and the traditional ways of living of the area. 


 Please observe that Finnish ways of thinking and a quite big part of Finnish wisdom of life are well suited for using inside the civiliced picture of the world, with the help of objective thinking and civiliced values, and so such may be in use all over the world, in very different kinds of places, in even in space and among animals. The Finnish daytime temperatures may vary about 60 degrees of Celcius during the year, so also some Finnish climate advices may be in used in very varied kinds of places. So if some advice in Finland or from Finland appears not-so-Finnish in atmosphere of it's effect, it may be that it is in use in for example South-East Asia, and so you have to take a much more local approach to get it work well. But there is also lots of sabotage, malicious deeds and persons disguised as trustworthy traditional Finnish ones. 




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