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About the dynamics of the world

 From my long long text "Skills of Christmas gnomes" at


W24.   " Great song of life

All people love music. That means that something like music is a part of the human nature. Some few know how to compose music. They see or hear the life as music. We ourselves when we dance can see the connection of movement and music and sometimes when listening to music the connection of music and feelings – but the other way than those who compose music. Dance is important: the body is the central part of a human being, via it we live, regardless of how intellectual or spiritual we are. Via the gesture language we express what we feel and communicate with others, via the body we do everything that we do. Our state of mind is reflected to how we keep our body and how we move. When one is relaxed and understands the connection of the body and mind, one can see the body as music of life: our whole life is reflected in our body, in its gestures, and the body sings as sensations in our senses – as sensations which we can express by voice. The tones of voice express different kinds of states of mind. So each feeling or sensation is like a sound, like music which we can hear. And from the song of life we can choose a partial theme to be communicated by a song: a melody. The song of life in us is what life is to us. It is in other words what we observe, what we experience. The body just expresses it as music. The songs of life of other people we can hear if we emphatice completely RELAXEDLY with their body like is usual in sports hobbies. Ordinary music pales from the road of this natural stimulus. The whole living world becomes an enormous panorama of music, the great song of life.



g15.   25th of August 2023   The ages old human nature, livibg along it on all areas of life gives magnifient life, every moment on every side of life. It has great missions in the world and in the life of an individual, and reaching for them in wise ages old wsys, with full capacity and full understanding, with the wisdom of life of the individual and of the civiliced society, brings life rich with sensations, natursl healthy wisdom of lufe and full of contentment of feelings, of livibg according to one's ages old nature which is good for the world and social contacts too. Vaving such a capacity as an inborn possibility makes it possible to grow toward it if one is left to develop in peace with high wise ages lld values and an environment that understands about healthy life, is wise in that wsy. That is the opposite of the idiotic evil forcing and lying done by psychologists etc. The individual just needs freedom. 


Learn to be like a hero of old times but in this modern world
"About Kalevala
"I bought Kalevala as a book to myself and read some of the beginning. In the competition singing of Väinämöinen and Joukahainen I was surprised to notice that Joukahainen did not lack skills so much, but instead Väinämöinen sang him to be things like the glow of the nature, to the marks of great skill in the nature.
   "Hat from the head of the man he sang
   to be an erect front edge of a cloud;
   he sang mittens from his hands
   to be leaves on the cover of pond's water,
   from that misty blue
   to be clouds in the sky,
   from his belt a fascination of a new wife
   to be stars scattered in the sky."
So I was left to ponder, if I as a girl thought when reading kalevala that that is what can happen with great skill: one loses position, propably via losing communication connection when one no longer speaks the language of men with more soldier like style. That I would take care to not to fall myself into that pitfall. But at the same time I thought that I could nearly reach that high, to that style in achievements. Now I think that it is like having met a bird: with it's song it makes forests beautifult o wander in, green, there is much soldier like wisdom in it's voice. 
 But so, how did I think I could reach so high skill and quality of life, like the reddish glow of the grassas in a forest etc. One would have a healthy way fo living or a healthy touch of one's own which would cure the way of life healthy again, to ages old. In every thing one would see the parts of healthy way of life which are as an idea in it, and so the deed when sees alike as others' deeds would be healthy on one's own and on others too, and so one could continue with healthy psirit from that, each one, whole society, and partly the rest of the world lear from it. ( World is of love (a mechanical model) ) ( )
One would have skills of one's own, one would have found one's own roads in life, it would be good to be an individual, personality, like oneself and strong, enjoying being an individual. And so human relationships would be in a way clishee like and in a way with a healthy spirit: one would have the strenght to have an opinion, do meaningful things, carried by the values of the society, things with healthy psirit carried by the actions and values of the society which have healthy spirit which would have strenght and content to life.
And one could get strenght, skills and integrite with opinions from being soldier like: to defend something, to invest in healthy courses, copying fro little singin birds and fromother strong wild animal persons ( ). One would be healthily spoirty, doing things at the practical level, with a good understanding achieved via adfmiring the nature and feeling via beautiful values, caring for the world, approaching life with feelings, motivated to the sphere of life and missions of the traditional way of life, with feelings and with a good understanding, reaching parts of the forefigures in nature of their skill level every now and then. (In Finnish )

My old video: if you can imagine a skill livelily, you can learn it


  1. About applying these kinds of wisdom to daily life in the modern world, follow the usual advices for healthy natural ways of living and other wise choices in life: at least a little bit of them, like seems possible in the daily life, without ever neglecting them badly, and see if there is some such option suited to yourself available. Those bring good life, that is why such are adviced.


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