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If the world is of spirit

 From my text Skills of Christmas gnomes, at :

" A80.   30th of June 2019   If the world is of spirit, you can sometimes when you happen to meet something gnome like in your life, in your environment, you can maybe wander to a gnome like world for a while, like for example meeting the weather when you go out and wandering for a while in a world of weather and nature, maybe adding wisdom of life too. Likewise if you run into trouble, that may keep you lingering on a not so nice perspective, as if all were spirit. But if you search for things that usually help out of trouble, like music, religion, better life, civilized wisdom, maybe the medias, then you typically can wander to the worlds they create and leave your troubles behind. Often this demands some energy, so having eaten, preferable good tasting food, often helps doing it's part and bringing life to a gnome like direction, kind of wirh less nuisancies or with less burden from them, more fractureless, more free to invest on hobbies, personal interests, etc, each having theirmoment, their worlds, which can become parts of your daily life and if you much like them somehow parts of your character too.



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