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About places suited to different professions

 " From Skills of Christmas gnomes 31.   " f4.   " Hi I lived some 11 years in Savonlinna which is a quite small countryside town in eastern Finland in North-East Europe. In the town there is a medievat castle in which there has been on most summers a month-long opera festival. The festival is liked by locals, since it is a nice half-a-day or shorter visit on the summer holiday, nice to show kids. So Finns have advertised the festival a lot, also to fordigners. The problem seems to be that foreigners from very distant countries somehow like the advertisements, something so fine sounding they would like to have themselves, but they do not quite like the Finnish happenibg so much, they do not understand why it has to be just a certakn kund, to fit the local climate, culture, wisdlm of lufe, ways of luving and summer holudays, would be the answer to ghat, but people from the tropics would search for happenings with well known good tropical strong sides in the tropucal vlima

Birds aflame

  "I was readong the book "Suomen myyttiset linnut" = "Finland's mythical birds" and it had lots of information from  Kalevala . Of the eagle it said that it is a bird of fire and that fires have been burned on holy days in connection with that. But the picture of an eagle next to that wasn't like in fire but more like bored. Sometimes when a little bird flies, it looks as if it sprks fire: at the same time uncontrollably playfully flying around and flying freely, just for a small while trying out something, playful, living it's daily life and friendlily social, understanding that the tough world with the seasons is it'sliving environment. Human's actions have the same when oen sometimes for the sake of trying does something sporty, that Hi, I'm like this too, and can this too, a second or a few seconds, just a glimpse somewhere, like the blink of an eye, some kind of spark of skill and character, with more profound wisdom in just the fa

How young birds learn to fly

  "A young birds which already has good wings, learns best to fly if it looks at a tree instead of build things, when it thinks of flying. Looking at build things makes one feel not skilled enough and brings only a little skills. While admiring the fascination of a tree opens one's view to complex, wise, ages old, atmospheric fascinating, a path of superior skill. Looking at several trees at the same time does not bring it, not so strongly at least, instead one should conceive the cahrm of a single tree, that richness, that way of life that the tree guides to. Often it is just one magnifient branch at a time or the throwing of the top into the sky which guides to joyful action, which already has a sparkle of superior skill. Like  this a young bird can already at one's first flight, fly to a branch of a neighbouring tree, from there to another branch and then back to nest, and is so in a way already fully learned, says little bird mother. The usefulness of a tree for skills

Fresh and new

 From my Christmas gnomes skills book 2. : " K101.   18th of April 2022, 2. Easter day     I found in the net an old book about getting rich. It used something like ghe view that the world is of spirit, and that we create our own lufe circumstancies by what kinds of things and ways of doing we concentrate into, like having a hobby and that resulting that others tend to tell about that area of life to us. But it seemed to say that if you do single-eyedly kn rigid ways, thst is not good for finding new possibilities. Instead you should use your own wisdom of life and have more hobbies. And you should use a view that you can gain money this way, and develop skills to bavk it up, instead of being pessimustic and stuck to a view that one does not get rich this way. The book adviced that people need growth and fuller lufe with their needs met, both physically and spiritually and for the understanding too, so such dimension is a direction where you gain by selling and doing work, and not

"Solutions are often on different routes, like in different worlds"

  From my blog about trying to solve global warming  :  "     "  As I studied in the university, I wondered why the different sciences sounded like founded by single or a feq single individuals, who seemed to have had a good personal grasp of such things, and seemed to have thought that others would continue similarly with own insight and own strong skills, but in practice it seemed that all good ideas had been exhausted, and all students etc of the following generations did learn the thoughrs taught in the courses but did not figure out anything much on their own in the subjects.  Likewise I have noticed that like as a child all kuds had their own likibgs which were not so suited for others, also as an adult if one goes along somebody else's work lije perspective, obe jyst gers exhaustez, without getting any new results that way. Unless one changes enturely to one's own roads. So as I yesterday run into the subject apo

Love is in our nature (my old text)

 "  Love is in our nature LOVE IS AT THE CORE OF LIFE Each one loves only one’s own nature, what is inevitable and at the same tima a part of the positive ground for life, of the base for everything, of its strong current. In the end it is our ages old nature, a wolf howling at the moon, the basic material of reality, that upon which everything even nowadays is build upon, that which I cannot avoid recognizing as my deepest most real self and of which I cannot let go in the world because it is the blod that I live by. We are all still by our very structure parts of Gaia, parts of the Mother Earth. " 

Get along and be liked (my old text)

 "  Get along and be liked GET ALONG WITH JUST ABOUT ALL AND DESERVE WELL THE SOCIAL POSITION THAT YOU HAVE: "I love Life, happiness and things positive for happy life - like most of the others, like You too! So I take them as my value in the world at large." If you can agree with this, without ever neglecting badly this point of view, that's it! " 

Advice on creating charm (my old text)

 "  Advice on creating charm Advice on creating charm You are irresistible just when you find life irresistible to you, when you love each and everyone and are thrilled with life’s challenges. That attitude gets reflected from others too, you kind of drag them along to a good way of living. But how to come about this? You must let go of rigid patterns of life and open yourself to new possibilities like most do when they are about to go for a holiday. Catch that mood and let it be your guide to how to live your life, how to approach the things in life and how to be social. But be quick witted in this and pay especially much attention to when it works well and at which moment it has ceased to be effective and when it goes totally ashtray. Since if you are too slow, you start the right way but then continue along some old habit of yours and end up pouring your good will upon others who are stuck on their own habits without you getting anything in return. You ought to keep the thrille

Build a perfect relationship (my old text)

 "  Build a perfect relationship: "Live and let others live!" Obs! This piece of advice applies not only to family, friends and pals but to all human contacts! Build A Perfect Relationship How to get along Let go, live freely, love life and enjoy the company of your partner. (If you are stuck with a strategy that does not work in a situation, you must first let go of it in order to be able to see the situation with new eyes. Take distance and take yourself care of your own needs so that you do not need to throw them upon the other one, this you achieve best by living in a liberating way. Think, experience, feel, which side of your spouce or pal you like, and enjoy the social contact at those parts, otherwise keep a bigger distance so that you get enough room to live like you wish to live.) Do not put your thoughts and feelings about these things to words, do not make rigid plans. (Human relationships grow like a tree: slowly one situation grows to another one just the wa

Learn to be responsible

 "     Learn to be responsible LEARN TO BE RESPONSIBLE IN AN EASY EFFORTLESS NATURAL WAY: Think of the ages old healthy natural way to live according to the human nature, to our instructions of usage, to our soul on all areas of life. Like a wolf howling at the moon! Think of this also in what comes to your relationship to the world: world wide moral, meaningful things to do, for healthier ways of living etc. Then just live by your feelings toward this right way to live! " 

Proud meets proud


Learning via sexuality

  " C12.   1st of October 2023   Of learning via sexualuty If one has a hobby course that one likes and one is interested in learning sich things and really tries to learn the taught things, and if one is interested in developing in such skills and talents and changing one's ways of living toward that area of lufe. If one then is interested in finding a pair from there and pays attention to what the others are like, how skilled or talented they are and in which ways they do thkngs, if one maybe flirts with them and gets social inflyencies from them and via them a better understanding of them and of their ways of doing which bring their talents, which one can so easier learn by practising the hobby in the ordinary way but with those good sides in one's ways of doing. And so one can learn skills and talents and values and get an idea of with whom one gets well along and with whom it would be for oneself good to live with.  Going to bed or having such an atmosphere is not goo

If the pairs do not suit you

 "  If the pairs you find or prospects that you think of do not suit you but instead cause stomach pain already by thinking of them or you end too much in arguments with them, they are propably of a wrong type and you should consider dates from other countries. There are lits of dating sites in thd knternet, some of continents and some of countries. Typical to them is that they have a certain view of how to associate, how to luve, which values emphasize, etc. Try to find the country or the countrues that suit you well and have a positive effect on your lufe. At the datibg site there also similarly inclined peoole from other countries, so you do not necessarily need to choosd jyst that coubtry even though you will get lits of inflyencies from ut to your lufe.  " 

How a baby gets it's charachteristics

 "  There is a flowering bush called syren, which blooms in the beginning of summer, the flowers of it's violet version bringing into mind those graduating from secondary school and as a quite new young pair getting their first child. Such made me think that the first child is more fractureless in atmosphere, since a family of one's own is an impirtant dream for both parents and so the dream is along when they make love and get their first child, I guess like it ought to be. But when they plan a second child, they I guess get it because they wanted another child, but the everyday life is already on some tracks, so as if between working day, they ask what, do you mean now the child, I do not know if I can so well, but they come along, but they are left thinking should one on a better moment or out of moment's fascination, like with the first child the dream of a family and of the moment's fracturelessness and experienced richness carrying lufe instead of kind of com

A second book

 There is a second book "A Sorcerer, Book 2. : Skills for Harmony" available at   * * * 6th of May 2024   Birds have seemed to like these books, for example white swans seemed to like the first book. That may connect with it being spring. Was it yesterday or the day before that, I saw from an open window a large quite light coloured dove on the edge of my balcony. And itseemed to wish these later texts about finding a date and birds getting offspring. I have always thought most wild birds wiser than humans, so I followed the idea, even though, like usual, I did not quite understand what it was about and how could I carry the subject in my life.  The third book would maybe called "An elderly dove's wish", even though I do not know if the dove was old. 

A Christmas song "I am not seeking for power or glory" + some words about power

 " I added my old video to the middle of this quotation. It is a song from the point of view of thinking large scale profound questions of wisdom of life, and it so helps to create the Christmas time. It is just a beautiful song, not an opinion in a conversation. And it does not agree to give power etc to those who break against such beautiful values.   "   D30. 3rd of September 2020   There is a much liked old Finnish Christmas song called En etsi valtaa loistoa, "I am not seeking for power or glory" that tells of the value of things themselves and of wisdom of life instead of grasping only tool like things. "I am not seeking for power or glory I am not seeking for power or glory, I am not searching gold either. I beg for heaven's light and peace upon the Earth. It brings Christmas which brings happiness and lifts spirit up to god. Not power nor glory but instead peace upon the earth. Allow me a peaceful hut and children's Christmas tree. The light of

A song inspired by moment's atmosphere

 "Song inspired by the moment's atmosphere Now that trees and bushes are getting their leaves, instead of Eurovision song contest, I feel that the nature would somehow long for  humans too to sing , maybe like this,  a little bit like on the summer cottage or an freely organized choir or singing at home , like feels to suit the moment.  29.4.2017 A singing skill from a few years ago came to my mind today morning, when grass was most places already green, sun was shining, birds sang and the green plants on my window created a feel of green, there was like the summer time a haze like atmosphere in the air. So with that atmosphere came to my mind a tune that I roughly knew, or something in the direction, so I sang it in a way that emphasized the fascination of the atmosphere, like doves or yodling(?) of the Alps or composing, creating sound like the atmosphere, not according to rigid forms but singing especially the parts that are musical, emphasizing the atmoshphere tones, like

Wisdom of life of arctic spitz dogs

 "  C1.   When I compare the Japanese spitz with a phalene (the butterfly-eared dog), the Japanese spitz seems adapted to town life but still more sporty like the spitzes in general. The spitz type of dogs get wisdom of life from sporty moving on an uneven ground while watching reactively the landscape around with the trees etc too. They get their erect posture, head held high, from the way of moving and living that is good for moving (and using the senses & full understanding at the same time). They get so wisdom of life about healing, in practise about how to stay healthy : what feel like good ways of living, relieving, wise and active in a fractureless way. And they get increased skills for different tasks from their experience of what is a good way of moving on that area of the body&mind. And they get wisdom of life connected with feelings from the way of living fully with one's being, how each part of one's body-mind is strong and capable in the sense of havin

Weather skills advice for the local inhabitants of all climates

 "  READ THE TEXT FIRST, then thinking of trying it's advices to your own life watch a little bit of the video too  "Heat regulation etc skills advice for all climates  This works only if you know the climate, are tuned to it, and not just travelling as a tourist. Pay attentiln tl the air around, warmth, cool or coldness at different distancies, possible sunlight areas, shadows, indoor air, breeze, etc, and the quality of air, mostness, saltiness, dryness etc, and so also of other qualities, and your own state of body and mind and way of being social, so that you have some sensed atmospheric and largely understood idea of the situation, including clothes you wear and what body heat balance, moisture eyc are near by the clothes. From liking melodic music, and from watching or having watched the way plants' branches grow curvingly toward light, from these there usually comes to at least some parts of the hands and feet and of the central body a natural sense of posture

Traditional Finnish harmony learned from the changing weathers

 "  ( The Finnish word for an angel is "enkeli", in which "en" means "No, I am not...", and "keli" means weather to travel in, and those both have to be taken into account: freedom to folliw one's likibgs in miral ways, and takkng the situations into account, the situations of all, and folliwing civiluced valyes and healthy wisdom of life. ) 27th of April 2024    Learned from changing weathers demanding individual judgement to stay alive, like the melting of the ice cover of a lake in the spring time.  16th of April 2024   First, follow civiliced values with good quality. Then have some independency, the right to refuse, so as to have some personal fracturelessness and healthy kibd of wisdom in lufe choices. Pay attention to weather like situatiobs: does the thing seem good, wished for in tge world, and for you right now, and for others, kibd of taking the ibfo of feelibgs into accoubt well, since often drawbacks are difficult to put to

Beneficial for life

 "  My own home as an adult has sometimes had a honey like atmosphere. I value animals and nature, admire bees, and I tend to think that it is good to leave things at home in a way that is good for life, but sincere enough so as to know where one needs to learn better ways of living. I value wisdom of life a lot and consider good ways of doing important. I think strongly that wishing well in the world and being fair in one's life are important values to follow in practice, always in everything.   My books   "  From my blog  

A book

 The blog is also available as a book at . (28th of April 2024   These later posts would belong to another book , if there comes enough many of them. The spring text of the first book is so long that it makes no sense to add any short texts after it.) This view is more like a view of the understanding of a Sage, like in Kalevala, but the subject was brought to my mind by a picture of a view from my window, which brought to my mind the word "a sorcerer", since it was as if a slight wind carrying the smel of plants after the rain : like something working well and the wisdom carrying to people near by but not much more than that. So I guess the effect of Sage's wisdom is a little bit like sorcerer's spell, like nature's wisdom being copied by people near by.  Please start reading from the earliest post.  23rd of April 2024   From my text "Skills of Christmas gnomes" :  " P15.   5th of October 2022   "Christianity has been centuries

Spring, from my book about the Four Seasons

Spring March   Spring winter When in the end of February and in the beginning of March the temperatures begin to warm and soon snow melts, it is still the winter but there are signs of spring. It is said that it is spring winter or the spring side of winter. It is fun to follow how the snow melts. The landscape changes from day to day and the snow crystals  change their shape, slopes on the snow melt from their southern side, the landscape is different from one place to another and there are many kinds of snow and soon there will be ground in sight where the snow has been ploughed away. During the night it is often freezing and the snow cover frozes again so that it's surface is solid and one can before midday ski upon it and lighter children can walk upon it without falling. The birds sing of spring, the titityy of tits fills the air and is a sure sign of spring. Spring winter is already a part of spring and at the same time it is the late winter. The power of winter has been brok