" READ THE TEXT FIRST, then thinking of trying it's advices to your own life watch a little bit of the video too "Heat regulation etc skills advice for all climates This works only if you know the climate, are tuned to it, and not just travelling as a tourist. Pay attentiln tl the air around, warmth, cool or coldness at different distancies, possible sunlight areas, shadows, indoor air, breeze, etc, and the quality of air, mostness, saltiness, dryness etc, and so also of other qualities, and your own state of body and mind and way of being social, so that you have some sensed atmospheric and largely understood idea of the situation, including clothes you wear and what body heat balance, moisture eyc are near by the clothes. From liking melodic music, and from watching or having watched the way plants' branches grow curvingly toward light, from these there usually comes to at least some parts of the hands and feet and of the central body a natural sense of posture
LEARN TALENTS AND SKILLS, AND WISDOM.OF LIFE. Kind of tale like with a nature theme. Mostly just quotations from my old texts. So if you like some subject, maybe in my old blogs there are more interesting texts for you.