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 From my Christmas gnomes skills book 2. :

" K101.   18th of April 2022, 2. Easter day     I found in the net an old book about getting rich. It used something like ghe view that the world is of spirit, and that we create our own lufe circumstancies by what kinds of things and ways of doing we concentrate into, like having a hobby and that resulting that others tend to tell about that area of life to us. But it seemed to say that if you do single-eyedly kn rigid ways, thst is not good for finding new possibilities. Instead you should use your own wisdom of life and have more hobbies. And you should use a view that you can gain money this way, and develop skills to bavk it up, instead of being pessimustic and stuck to a view that one does not get rich this way. The book adviced that people need growth and fuller lufe with their needs met, both physically and spiritually and for the understanding too, so such dimension is a direction where you gain by selling and doing work, and not without it. So by your own valuable input you gain money instead of by unfair ways which do not iffer a high standard of living if they sre followed widely in the society since thry offer no vsluable knput as a source of money. But i did not read the whole book. 

K102.   I do not know, i am not good at getting a job, but i think that it isn't enough to specialize to one's hobby since it is kind of too comfortable and much of work is something others did not bother to do. So one should from the beginning take the attitude of applying for a job in certain profession and growing to it's demands like a young person has wisdom of life with which to develop new skills and adapt to the demands of the environment, but one can well choose a professiln because one would like such work and have enough strenght in such a work, would choose such a csreer. 

K103.   19th of April 2022    In Savonlinna there is a medieval castle at the center of the town on an island in a short river. There is also the word "castle" in the name of the town. So one can there learn something about how a castle protects. "The castle has walls which stop the attack. If one takes this figuratively, one can estimate that against an enemy shelter easy things, thibgs which all have and all accept and most feel needed, preferably especially nasty characters. These inclyde good food, civiliced wisdom learned from books and liking music, and being feeling and religion. They all kn a way create room for being a feeling being, which in turn is a measure of space to luve in : do normal reactions function well and the natural communicatiln between the members of a society. "

 K104.   "  22. As a young adult I had a nice way of living that others copied from. It was roughly like liberated movements and a nice sports hobby, healthy ways of living and forest trips, "Live and let others live", taking room for oneself in healthy ways according to that rule and leaving room for others and Finnish kind of good will that is born from it, that means independency, freedom and good will, global responsibility, taking care of one's work and getting energy for it from one's favourite hobbies that one enthusiastically practises, variation and open-mindedness and moral. " 

K105.   20th of April 2022    For getting a healthy effect and most out of the experience of the time kn nature, it is valyable to say to kids & family members : "Look, how wonderful! Now concentrate on these few moments, since we rarely have the chance for ghis." regardless of whether it is a moment of birdsong in town, a refreshing walk in nature or once a year a week or so at the summer cottage. And similarly about other healthy kinds of influencies. 

K106.   21st of April 2022   Lack of healthy natural visual stimuli makes one stupid and unwise. So one stays more intelligent and wise if one likes to look at trees, also indoors öikes to look at trees outside the window. One can make indoors nice so that the view out of the window with the tree in it is a part of the ordinary view of indoors.

K107.   I do not know any rules for getting the view work out well with the view from the window. Just on some moment that you think thst the view outdoors is magnifient, arrange indoors so that you can look at it from a good place. The exact places of things you get if you move and at some moment the view is magnifient  just fix the sofa or whatever there. Likewise the effects of decorative things and of things whosd place does not affect their usage. Once you find in which way the views both indoors and outdoors work out nicely or magnifiently, you can with that charm kn mind find yhe places for the rest of things too. 


From the book 3. of my Christmas gnome skills series : 

" P39.   These two ought to be globally possible, but the third is just our climate zone. If these gnome kind of things appear too fine, try to get used to such possibility, since in the removed texts at there are many music like, but some were too local and had to be removed from there too.

Young people playing leisurely football on a summer evening and sun shining from a tilted angle. Walking by and pausing momentarily to see them enjoy their time, the ground covered by lawn.
Or young animals or a few people on a safe spot with fresh green grasses, getting a chance to wander there in the nature as a loose group, the sun shining from a quite tilted angle. 

* * *
Now here in Finland it is different. One needs to think when going to outdoors, that healthily sportily i meet the autumn wind, with fallen autumn leaves around, trying to learn a quite sporty way of wandering outdoors in the autumn landscape.


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